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Meet Jasmine

HHA Admin

"Hey, I’m Jas! I am the Assistant Sanctuary Manager here at Happily Heifer After. Part of what I do is help manage the day-to-day needs and health care of all the beautiful animals. When I first met Michelle and learnt about her mission and why she started Happily Heifer After, I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of and have been part of the team for just over a year now. From a young age, I have been very passionate about caring for and loving animals. When I was a girl you would always find me outside, trying to rescue sick or injured birds, fussing over my horses or hanging out in the chicken coop. Growing up I always thought I felt different to the way most people viewed animals.

I wondered why we ate them and why they had to be killed or hurt. Not long into my adult years, I decided to go vegetarian.

When I started researching and was faced with the facts of not just the meat industry, but dairy, and eggs and the environmental impact a lot of these practices have. That is when I decided I was not contributing to any pain or suffering any longer. At Happily Heifer after I get to put my passion for helping animals to work. One of the most amazing things about being at the sanctuary is watching so many of the animals here grow and flourish. I am so grateful that all these beautiful animals have a place to be their ‘happily heifer after’."

Become a Volunteer today!

Do you have half a day per week to spare, and you're not afraid of hard and dirty work? Do you have a special skills in marketing, or animal care or a trade? Do you want to join a like-minded team, trying to help people, the planet, and the animals?

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