Seymour has captured our hearts. And how could he not.
Surrendered to us at just a few days old, desperately unwell.
He was suffering with sepsis and pneumonia, blind and dehydrated. The sepsis caused his joints to swell painfully, the pneumonia made it hard and painful for him to breathe. He felt nauseous, and his muscles ached. He wasn’t sure how to drink from a bottle and was considerably underweight. He was scared and confused.
When an animal like Seymour comes into our care we act quickly to address their medical needs. Working out what’s physically wrong and how we can help heal their little bodies is our first priority. Emergency situations like Seymour’s, need fast and decisive action. Our vet team helped us put a comprehensive care plan in place for this little guy and we started treatment immediately.
There is a flurry of activity around a rescued animal for the first few hours of being in our care. While the medical team get to work, we designate a human whose job it is to comfort and provide support to the rescue. Mimicking their mother or species reactions as much as possible to provide comfort. Its incredible how a gentle stroke on the head and kind softly spoken words transfer across different species.
Seymour was not very responsive to start with. He was overwhelmed, felt so poorly and just plain scared. But as his soft fur was stroked and his ears pricked up at the kind words reassuring him he was safe and it would only get better, his carer spotted it. The light in his eye that told us he was going to fight.
It’s that moment in a rescue, when someone spots that spark that makes us all breath a sign of relief. We know in that moment they will fight. Because rescues like this one are two-way. We do everything we can but we need them to want to live.
We will do everything we can for him, and we know he is a fighter.
Thank you for helping us help Seymour. We couldn’t do it without you.