Shady, Oscar and Fender are looking for their forever homes
These little characters need a home and a flock to call their own.
Shady is inquisitive, building in confidence, very chatty and we have checked to made sure, he is defiantly a rooster and not a miniature emu. We are confident he will grow into his looks!
Oscar is a very good-looking young man, he’s friendly and curious and developed quite the taste for corn. We originally thought Oscar had problems with his vision, but the floof over his eyes is so long it was impeding his sight. A quick haircut and he can see just fine.
Fender was an 80’s rock guitarist in a past life, our man is all long hair flicks and strutting he is very shy at the moment but we’re sure his inner rock god will emerge soon and his personality will shine.
All three boys came to us from a local pound, so we don’t have any information on their back stories. The boys are young and so deserving of a loving home and flock to call their own.
Silkie Roosters
Silkies are well known for their calm, friendly temperament.
They are among the most docile of breeds. They are very social and friendly. You can mix Silkies with other breeds of chickens. They are known for their friendliness and while small they are good at standing their ground in a mixed flock.
Why welcome a rooster into your flock?
Roosters can make fantastic pets in the right environment. They are full of personality, will take care of their ladies, break up squabbles, share their treats and let you know if there are predators or visitor around.
Read our blog post for more info on welcoming a rooster into your coop.
Are you interested in adopting?
If you have a flock, an area for your chooks to free range during the day, a predator proof enclosure to keep them safe at night, and room for one of these guys, please contact us.
Also, don’t forget to check your local council for restrictions. Some local councils do not allow roosters or have strict conditions.
We have a rigorous approval and adoption process in place because our focus is to find the best possible homes. We want to ensure potential adopters are fully aware of the challenges and that the animals will remain valued, loved, and given the care they need.
If you’re interested, the first step is to review and complete the online application form.