Living life to the fullest with Blue on his Bucket List Adventure!

Ten weeks ago Blue received a terminal cancer diagnosis, and we were told he may only have months to live.
Ever since, we have been making the most of every single day with Blue! We have been ticking things off of his Blue's Bucket List, ensuring he lives everyday he has to the fullest.
Over the past 10 weeks he has been enjoying SO many types of fresh fruit and veggies every single day. We now know he doesn’t like green beans, cabbage, or mushrooms but he loves sweet potato, pumpkin, and brussel sprouts.
He loves apples, mangos, and berries but doesn’t like pineapple, or dragon fruit. He is eating so many healthy and nutritious treats, we have also snuck in a few 'proper' treats.
He managed to eat a whole vanilla/biscoff cake in less than two minutes, and loved every second of it!

Blue has enjoyed a two hour full body massage, including spa music of course! This was done with therapeutic massage gel, to relieve tension and inflammation in his muscles. He LOVED the massage. He relaxed so deeply he almost fell asleep.
Blue has been enjoying going for walks. Michelle has taken him through the back 10 acres of the sanctuary. There are heaps of different varieties of long grass, trees, weeds, shrubs, for him to snack on, as well as different sights and smells to experience. It is so beautiful to see him experience genuine joy and excitement.
Blue requires a higher level of supervision, we need to manage his feed, and medications. To make that easier on him and us we have moved him in with the “Medium Moo” herd as their paddock is closer to the main sheds.
Blue has integrated well with the medium moos over the past few weeks, he particularly loves spending time with Luna during the days.

Blue has made some lovely new friends with visitors on on tours.
He is such a gentle and sweet man. He knows when new friends are nervous and will stand very still while they approach and patiently wait until they feel comfortable to give him a pat. He loves a brush and will very helpfully point out where he's itchy or if we miss a bit.

It is so nice to see him happy and enjoying his time surrounded by those who love him.
The cancerous mass on Blue's eye is slower growing than first thought. Giving s us hope that Blue has more time than originally expected.
Thank you to the generous people who have contributed to Blue's Bucket List. We are so thankful.
We know you love him as much as we do.

We will keep ticking things off of Blue's Bucket List, and sharing the journey with you.
Although it is tragic Blue will not live as long as we hoped, we find comfort in knowing the time he does have left is valuable.
Do you have an idea for Blue's Bucket List? Send us a message and let us know what you think he would enjoy doing or experiencing!
If you would like to donate towards Blue's ongoing care we would be very grateful.
